Here I am, in Switzerland, eating plenty of yummy food and visiting with many of my relatives. The weather here has been sunny and usually 30 degrees which I am quite enjoying. The heat has mostly been bearable because of the delicious ice cream I`ve been served and the times I`ve been swimming with various relatives - once in a lake and twice in the river Aare. I`m not really in the mood for writing and, besides, I don`t want to bore you with all the things that my relatives are up to (which are interesting for me and my family, but not so much for the rest of you), so here are a few photos.
The city of Bern, with the River Aare in which I went swimming. Or, rather, in which the current pulled me along.
Some of my relatives from my mom`s side who I had dinner with last night.

A typical Swiss farmhouse in the village of Bleienbach. These types of houses are everywhere around here, especially in the villages, and I just love them. One day I will have window boxes with red geraniums in them.
This is the same farmhouse zoomed in a bit so you can see the rather untypical sign marking the front of the house.
The view from my Auntie Käthi`s porch where I am have been staying mostly. Yes, those are the Alps in the background.
A typical Swiss farmhouse in the village of Bleienbach. These types of houses are everywhere around here, especially in the villages, and I just love them. One day I will have window boxes with red geraniums in them.
Did I mention that Switzerland is beautiful? If you don`t believe it, you should come see it for yourself sometime!
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